Wednesday, September 26, 2007

headache. lying on bed thinking why aren't i asleep. anniversaries can make one feel so completely inadequate sometimes. how come so many people got up one day and decided they wanted to get married. three hours of carpet time with Tanya and Dom is funny. all girls always mean "something's wrong" when they say "nothing's wrong". learn to love in the right language damn it! i miss italy. why can't boys be more thoughtful when it comes to planning ahead. parramatta lost the football on sunday - grrrr. bike riding is fun... my thighs got a good work out. at the rate my skin is tanning i will be black before summer even gets here. missing my high school friends. i hate shallow, drunken parties. so over everyone's sex addiction. pasta for lunch. pasta for dinner (might regret that tomorrow when i get to the loo). wish i could go back to the uni life. want to go on holidays with his famz... probably can't afford it. need to pay off my credit card & phone bill. never (and i do mean never) allow yourself a forty minute phone call when in italy... unless you are prepared to go without food and new clothing for at least two months. thinking about moving out but can't afford that either. wanna buy a house with me? sometimes... hugs and flowers don't suffice, and the hurt remains for a few extra days.

Monday, September 17, 2007

the following things are waaaay over-rated

- Working in the city
- Hot girls in skanky skirts
- Guys with the "messy bedroom hair" look.
- Getting mega drunk because they think it's oh-so-cool

Working in the city means travelling to the city, which usually means at least 2.5 hours of travel time every day... that's 12.5 hours of my week I'll spend sitting in a carriage day dreaming about what other things I could be doing with my life.

Girls who are already pretty shouldn't feel the need to show off their skin or reveal their boobs to whoever is already looking. Get some dignity people!

All those Australian Idol finalists who've spent two hours perfecting the "messy bedroom hair" obviously have no idea why the messy bedroom hair look is appealing. It's meant to look like you just woke up, got out of bed, and are looking sultry. If you look like you've spent two hours grooming yourself but STILL look like a lazy slob, you haven't pulled anything off.

Have some drinks and enjoy the night, but don't get $*%@faced just coz you think it's trendy. People who only like your company when you're off your nut are obviously not the best friends to keep around you.

** And no, I have NOT turned into a 65 year old lady who is angry at the world... I'm just over the crappy trends that are flooding the place just because of ridiculous insecurities.

Friday, September 14, 2007

"For the sake of the joy that lay ahead of him, he endured the cross..." (Hebrews 12:2)

Can't say I'm much into delayed gratification - it's very anti-Generation Y. But this... well... this passage puts things within an entirely new perspective.

So... I'm back at work... and because I can't send 2,000 emails until AFTER office hours, I'm spending an extra half hour... perhaps 45 minutes... at work this Friday evening, "watching my computer screen" as Alexia termed it before leaving.

Thought I'd have a go at multi-tasking and BLOG... because you know, blogging is fun.

It's strange being back from the land of gelati and siestas. I was very excited after receiving my photo of Pope Benedict XVI shaking my hand... it's oh so very exciting seeing photos of him in newspapers and posters and realising that YES, I SPOKE TO HIM, AND YES, HE SMILED AT ME, AND YES HE RESPONDED TO MY LAME INTRODUCTION... hahaha...

I've Facebooked half of trip... realised I didn't take as many photos as I thought I could've, but took a hellavalot of videos (maybe I'll edit and YouTube them) to document the funnier moments (like the time got mauled by Italians in the plane of Montorso because everyone wanted a koala... I honestly can't believe how much Italian's luuurv koalas.)

I am thinking of what I need to achieve next week, and realise I am no where near achieving it, but it's best not to think in such a defeated way. Like... all those videos I'm meant to produce. I'm not convinced that it's in my capabilities... but hey... with God all things are possible right?

Friday, September 07, 2007

im stuck in frankfurt airport - and this keyboard is spinning me out. letters are all over the place. sucks being on the other side of the world and realising the plane that was meant to leave at 11.55pm last nyt is now only leaving now... which is about 4pm frankfurt time. i miss everyone and the last 24 hours have been the most testing hours of what has been an amazing but very tiring journey. i love u australia... and cant wait to share with u the greatness i found in italy, but perhaps more importantly, i cant wait to sleep in my own bed!!!