July 1: Started off with an early morning for Eddoes and I... driving into the chill towards Clovelly where we had breakfast @ Vincent's place (he does a good bacon & eggs... mmm...)

We drove towards Domestic airport, and found our way to the Qantas Hangar, where the NZ delegates did a touching hand-over to the Australian youth representatives. There, a number of Bishops and civil dignitaries made some moving comments about the meaning of the WYD Cross & Icon, and the excitement of its journey throughout the country in the lead up to WYD. To view one of the few moments where the PM John Howard has inspired me, click here:
http://www.saltandlighttv.org/prog_special_wyd_2008_special_video.htmlAs the above link tells you, eventually the Cross made its way from the airport, to North Sydney, then across the Harbour Bridge where it was met by thousands of people at Darling Harbour.
But the next few pics were some of the highlights of the week in Sydney Archdiocese:

July 2: Cabramatta. I got to the parish at 8am (late, since the event had started at 7am) and had to slow down when I saw this mother of a truck, which Van's family had made to transport the Cross & Icon around the Western deanery. Talk about dedicated!

Eventually the Cross made it's way to the different parishes, carried by different people. I didn't talk pictures on the day it was at Haberfield - but I'll always remember walking through the streets towards Leichhardt... it was awesome!

July 5: Earlwood parish was also really moving. Bishop Cremin has a cool sense of humour... and began Mass by greeting everyone in their native tongue. When it came time for the creed, I was pretty much in tears, because for the first time in a long time, I heard a church packed with people who were clearly, proudly and unashamedly professing their faith. It was a rare moment... and a moving one at that!

July 6: The Cross & Icon made its way through Sydney CBD. The sky was a brilliant blue, the girls singing at Botanical Gardens while people Venerated gave me goosebumps they were that good. All in all it was a pretty amazing day, with lots of friends:

(I've gotta give John & his sister Kiara some credit here: they faithfully followed the Cross & Icon around from about 8am that Friday as it made its way through Central Stn, Town Hall, the Polding Centre, Marting Place... they had their well-deserved Max Brennar chocolate at DJs not long after lunch. Good on ya guys!!)

July 7: WYD Cross & Icon makes its way to Bondi Beach. This was definitely a highlight for Edwin & I (both lovers of the beach) who, after a massive sugar dose at one of Bondi's nice lil' cafes, got to Venerate the Cross before Mass as the sun was setting. It was a beautiful sight to see...
July 8: The flag-bearers. After the entertaining 45minute drive in the back-seat of Nez's Nissan (with Dom & Suarez... hmmm), we eventually boarded the 1:30 ferry to Manly:
This was pretty amazing - the police escorted the ferry along the waters towards Manly, where we were greeted with over 600 delegates from Broken Bay.
Despite the weather, it was a pretty amazing day. All in all... just.. wow.
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