Thursday, October 14, 2004

what am i worth?

To YOU I may be worth nothing.

To a teacher, I may be worth the effort of marking a late essay.

To a student, I may be worth listening to.

To a friend interstate, I may be worth visiting.

To a stranger, I may be worth a smile.

To my sisters, I may be worth a fight.

To my parents, I may be worth a lecture.

To a forgotten friend, I may be worth a memory tucked in the back of their brain.

To a boy, I may be worth a "hello".

To a girl, I may be worth a sneer.

To my friends I may be worth a phone call.

But to God, I am worth the WORLD,

I am worth HIS LIFE

Yeah - it's easy to feel down on yourself when the people you hope to show their affection just don't. But the comfort in all these things?... When such storms beat you around in the wind, and you feel lost and as if you are drowning...

It is Jesus who will walk on the water and ask you, not to take a LEAP of faith, but a STEP of faith towards him. And he will catch you, he will hold you, he will love you, and he will give you MUCH more than 5 minutes of your day.

What am I worth? The love that Jesus gives me...

Who am I looking for? The one that loves me like Jesus does. ;o)

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