Tuesday, September 19, 2006

chuckin a sicky

Hey so I haven't even been on this job for a month and I'm already taking time off. But the Chief says it's ok - I've got enough time in lieu so I deserve some rest time. I hate congestion.
Let's just hope tomorrow's filming day and WYDSAC meeting doesn't kill me, and that I make it to my graduation looking like a princess on Thursday morning. Pfft! Yeah right!

In summary, here's what life has presented me over the past couple of days:

- Penitito back for week! Yay... we picked him up and did (a ridiculously late!) lunch at Parra with him, Aron and Luke last Thursday. Also did coffee on Monday (hoping he joins team!)
- Joy got a new toy! Hehehe... my little silver beast of a Corolla is parked outside my house. The faithful little thing did 400km in one weekend... what a trooper!
- Met some really cool WYD Reps from Ryde/North Sydney on Friday... aww.. that was really inspiring! Esp Fr Danny from Gladesville - cool mate!
- Fundraising Ball on Saturday night where Cossima Devito sung her little heart out and Vincent, Vicky, Jo, Jennifer, Pandora, Tom and I danced our little hearts out to the jazz band. Oh.. did I tell you I ate Indian food? (Ask Amardeep and Cobes - that's quite an achievement for me!)
- Massage at Broadway on Sunday. Yumm... well.. yes and no. It was good I also realised my back has gotten worse and worse over the last year or so. Uh-oh... time to start swimming more often.
- Watsons Bay. I shocked Eddoes when I said I was too tired to walk around and look for ice-cream (it doesn't happen that often).
- Youth Mass @ Randwick. Tristan has an awesome band.. they sound HOT! Percussion, harmonies, guitarists and a beautiful pianist... awww...
- Chocolate-Chai latte during the drive home! Hmmm....
- Monday-itis big time. I was officially dead yesterday.
- Tuesday-itis. Woke up several times last night panicking because I thought I couldn't move. Haha... what a hypocondriac. But man, I paid a visit to what seemed like the dodgiest doctor today. Then when I got to the pharmacy I realised being sick SUCKS big time because it's so damn expensive.
- Sleep, sleep and more sleep... yet I managed to find myself in the office tonight answering emails and typing up a report for tomorrow... eww. Man I'm such an idiot.

Time for bed!


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