Sunday, September 05, 2004

when the chips are down

The letters "C" and "F"

Feelings... can be FUN... sometimes they even drive ya to doing things you wouldn't normally do... ;o)
Funny that huh... funny funny feelings ...
So anyway. I was on the phone with an old friend tons, talking about relationships and what not. And lately this Spring weather (the SUNNY part of it anyway) reminds me of high school and high school CRUSHES... ah yes - those tingly feelings when the guy/gal you're totally into walks into the room and suddenly everything is ALIVE...and then there's the daydreaming, the love letters, the waking up in the morns to an sms that you can't stop thinking about all day, the late night convos everyday etc etc... *as if you don't know what I'm talking about!!*

Yessum... that's right. *CRUSH* Feelings are the best feelings. That's my theory anyway...
But then after talking to this ol' buddy of mine, I realised that *feelings* just aren't enough. It was one of short "epiphanies" trying to talk this guy through some guy-girl cofuffle.
And feelings are cool... they're a blessing. But good relationships - even good friendships can't last if they're just based on feelings. Coz feelings - they come and go. We can be angry one day, but not the next. We can be sad one day, but not a week after. You can be happy for a moment, but chances are it'll rain on your parade in about 2 seconds...
Feelings - whether they're feelings of affection, fondness, anger, lust, romance, eagerness... (i could go on forevs but u already get the jist) - are made to be temporary.
Not to say that they're bad - because I'll always think that fresh *CRUSH* feelings are one of the coolest blessings God could bless for humans...but todays conversation made my realise that *feelings* start it all off... but *commitment* keeps it going.

I can only hope that when it comes down to crunch time... that I'll be as committed as I say I'll be. And to be totally honest... I'm absolutely terrified that one day.. those people that I love so much won't stick around when the chips are down... Coz serzly - I'm a sucker for my friends man.

*CRUSH* feelings are sweet, but i fall in love with my friends. in high school i fell in love with my filo chiks, my entire grade and even some teachers; in YFC i fell in love with Hills, with my famz, and now - even more so - with my High School household...

I just hope the commitment that comes with the tingly feelings is there!

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