Thursday, June 08, 2006

there goes my hero

Tomorrow I'll be out west doing a reflection day with some Yr 10 boys. The team has asked me to do a testimony about the men in my life that I honour... and I'm sitting here trying to multi-task (i.e. create a music video clip and write my testimony at the same time), and it's too late at night to be thinking deep... but I figure I should prepare something because there are too many boys around the world who have ridiculous notions about what is honourable.

Mind you, I don't really know too much about honour. Last night the team was in the living room and we were sharing about the things that annoy us about the opposite sex. I said "pride." I won't delve into details, but man... guys and their pride: won't ask for directions / always have an insecurity when girls are better than them at particular things... like driving, playing a musical instruments, and doing well in exams / won't admit it when they want to cry / find it even harder to admit when they're feeling any emotion other than PRIDE. Hahaha.. GRRR

Whoops... this blog was supposed to be about my heroes. Major sidetrack!

Hmm... ok... the guys I honour...

Random thoughts here:

The first would have to be my Daddy. What a legend. You know... if I went back in time and told my 14-year-old self that I would be calling my father a hero, the 14-year-old me would look at me with aghast disbelief and call me a liar. But seven years later, this brat of a 21-year-old looks up at her Dad with major admiration. His life is a testament to the quote "Prayer doesn't change God's mind - it changes your heart." I've noticed my Dad grow in faith... praying more fervently, spending more time with his Father... and though I now surpass him in height, his growth over the past couple of years astounds me.

I love the way he always compliments my Mum. He has spent so long learning the language of each woman in our household... learning how to cook, how to pause and have a conversation with us, how to step back before raising his voice and humbly speak his mind without being hurtful. And I see him hurt and I see him struggle... But in all honesty, with all past experiences considered, he's truly one of the strongest men I know. Despite the physical and emotional setbacks, he's the warrior for our family. I wish I could tell him all this to his face... but man.. I love my Dad. He got up on Tuesday morning just to make me bacon and eggs. What a sweetheart! (I figure any guy who wants to win me over needs to have a word with my Dad first... he'll give good tips.)

Then of course, two of the bestest friends a girl could ask for: Edwin and Nereus.

I met Nez in 1998 at a school disco. Can't remember what happened, but I know from memory that he doesn't dance, never has and probably never will... oh wait... he did once in Prague... and he wasn't even under the influence of alcohol! Good on ya mate... I'm so proud of you. No, no wait... I do have valid reasons for my admiration and appreciation of this friend. Wow... it's been 8 years. Though shy, timid and extremely quiet at times (only God knows how we remained friends for so long), Nereus is one of the few boys in our high school generation who I can have a real conversation with. He knows me inside and out - from heartbreaks, to bad habits, to fears, insecurities... and man... we've had so many conversations til 3am about the things we want to achieve... dreams, inspirations, the things we pray for, the things we hate, the places we want to see one day. Although I sincerely think he'd be one of the best priests ever, I do hope that one day, I'll be able to send my kids over to his place and his kids can play with mine. Or we'll take them on those world-famous KFC family holidays. Hahaha... (ewww...) But what makes this guy a hero?

Ok... The biggest contribution he's made in my life would have to be FAITH. Not just faith in God, but faith in me. From the moment we met, I don't think he's ever doubted my ability to achieve. I tell him my aspirations, and he prays for them. I ring him up crying, and the first thing he'll want to do is put us in the presence of God - even though we're miles apart. He knows when I'm nervous, and knows when I'm lying... He knows how to build me up and encourage me to the best woman I can be. He used to try teaching me guitar... drive me to uni... drive me to morning Mass at St Pat's... We used to study together at the local library. Well... we'd try... but end up going to Foodcourt and buying ice cream or something. He would move heaven and earth to be where I needed him to be - whether it was a youth night, a camp, a school retreat, an escape from the rest of the world, a DVD night at Suarez's joint, a trip to Boston Markets (back when Boston Markets existed). This is the brother I never had. The one who'd give me honest advice about the other men in my life - even when it hurt him to say it, and hurt me to hear it. Not many men would be courageous and strong enough to pick up the pieces of their broken heart and trust it in the hands of the person who broke it... yet he does. I don't know if that's safe to publish - but I do honour him for always cherishing the treasure of our friendship. God only know why he still does... but I am so grateful.

A year after I met Nez at our yr 8 disco, I encountered him again at my first YFC camp. This is where I met Edwin. Hmm... ok... Eddoes. The boy up the road. Met him some time during that camp in Gross Vale (remember that place with flying fox? All the oldies know it...) - one of the first things he said was, "Hey aren't you Roanne's sister?" - they were in the same homeroom in high school. How embarrassing... he saw me dancing and thought I was a psycho. But then again, who didn't? Eventually he became my mission partner. I used to think he was a geek. Wait... I still do. Nah... Ok... a cool geek. (If that's possible - Sarah reckons that's an oxymoron). As we grew in service, we grew as friends. I honestly believe that if God hadn't made us mission partners or put us in the same household, we would hardly speak to each other, despite living only 1km apart.

What to say about this man of God? That's just it - he's a man of God. Another major contributor to my faith. Long before we were mission partners, I had an admiration for him... And long before he became one of my best friends, I had a deep respect for him. I guess the thing is... who doesn't? He's just one of those guys... you'd look at them and think, "Yeah, he's one of the few people who's got the right idea about life." He was simple, organised, smart, respectful to his parents, and although amazingly shy; ridiculously loaded with talent. He's got a servant's heart. Loves his family more than anything, would give his best in everything he does - in his studies, in his guitaring, in his honesty, in his work... he's a perfectionist. He's a man of integrity, and that's why I love him. Life is simple for Eddoes: faith is simple, God is simple, love is simple, disasters are simple... basically his life is a testimony to that fact there is nothing that God can't control - so why worry? He is one of my greatest heroes (and doesn't even realise it) - simply because he has a servant's heart. Humble, generous, responsible and selfless. When there's something he can't do, he admits it - and that's truly honorable.

What I appreciate the most is his faith in me. He brings me back to Earth, but also encourages me to reach for the stars. He is one of the few people in my life who can calm me down and bring me back to reality. We're so different, it's silly. I'm an idealist... while he's so damn practical. But combine the two, and you've got dreams coming true. He's one of the few people who actually get me to do difficult things without pushing: like when we used to go jogging, swimming, all the talks/music and stuff he gets involved in: his presence automatically reminds me to trust in God. And he's the best travel buddy of all time - where haven't we been? Philippines, all over Europe... road tripping through New Zealand... and even random suburbs across Sydney. He takes the time to learn my strangeness, my habits, my needs and my fears... He's there to pray with me, or pray over me (even over the phone!!), and he'll stay up late to keep me company as I work on another video clip, even if it means losing sleep before a big day at work. He's the type of guy who humbly steps back and lets me do my thing, but is ready to catch me when I'm crashing and ready to burn out... and his support prevents me from doing so. He learns from his mistakes, and reminds me to do the same... and is the eternal optimist (despite appearing so damn lazy). Oh and did I mention... he's CLEAN! What a rarity! Gotta love this guy man...

I guess the beauty of having two such supportive men as my best mates, is that I've never come across a hurdle that one them hasn't helped me overcome. They pray for me, talk over ideas with me, advise me, support me, protect me and look after me... and make me feel like the luckiest girl in the world.

These three men (plus a few of the blessed, and precious and heroic men I've met and befriended like:
* Five of the maddest people to live/work with: Joe, Box, Vincent, Chris, and Lyndon.
* Four of the funniest, bravest and honest boys that God has placed in my path: Sav, Ian, Suarez and Ryan.
* Three of the wisest and Christ-like priests I've met, who know my secrets, and spiritual battles inside and out: Fr Warren, Fr Rob and Fr Michael)
capture what it is to be a hero, and testify it to me each time I encounter them. They have their weaknesses and acknowledge them humbly, and remind me that though they are all ordinary men, they were rescued and guided by one extraordinary hero: Jesus Christ.

And what a hero He is!! JC - the ultimate rescuer and Saviour. Humble, gentle, generous, powerful. His mission was entirely selfless and I love Him. When I see Christ in the men in my life, I find more reason to honour, love and support them. I pray they will always turn to him as the ultimate role model... after all - His triumph and victory was the benchmark that beat the greatest enemy. Hands-down, Satan was defeated. Every compliment I've paid to the heroes in this entry is a tribute to their role-model: Jesus Christ.


So.... to my heroes: if you read this, know that I love, appreciate and totally admire each of you (even the ones I failed to mention, you better know you're on hero-status!!) The man that you are now has shaped me to be the woman I am today... and your words of affirmation, inspiration and direction have led me closer to my one true love: God!! So God bless you, and may you grow... and may the women in YOUR life continue to honour and pray for you in the way you truly deserve...

In honest gratitude... your Joy.

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