Thursday, January 20, 2005

He makes no scents**

Confession: She developing a bad case of insanity. [Otherwise known as crush syndrome.]

She's standing at Wynyard Stn today waiting for a train to take her home. When it comes thundering through the tunnel her body groans - not just from it's lack of sleep this week, but because this fast-approaching rail vehicle lacks one essential thing: AIR CONDITIONING.

And so she steps onboard, thinking her 1.5hr train ride home is going to kill her... and then all of a sudden [wait for it!] ...

..... her nose gets a wiff of someone with "his" scent. [In other words some other guy in the carriage bought Lynx deoderant that week]

Hahahaha... and I'm laughing at her because she pulls this sudden face of relief, as if the 40degree heat means nothing anymore, because something tiny - like someone else's scent reminds her of him. And she's happy for the rest of the day.

What an idiot.

1 comment:

gerry said...

ohh...dear??? who could this man be?????hahhhaa...
hmmmm....i think i may know who it is...and U must be a pretty damn good actress! hahhhaa...