When I need to find peace I try to find a tranquil place that is separated from the rest of the world. Today the sky is a brilliant blue, fading into a white horizon. Traces of fluff are scattered across God's glorious, eternal canvas. No rain today. No bursts of lightning, no claps of thunder. Just a murmer of the city below me.. cars streaming over the bitumen, and the Spring breeze soaring between the leaves. The sunlight is trickling it's warmth past the branches onto my legs and toes.
I love how the trees bend to the wind flying past.
I love how the birds laugh and chatter.
I love that the busy-ness of life is reduced to a dull roar on the streets beneath me.
I'm sitting right behind the house that we snuck into.
I wish I was the person who would own that house... because this would be the church lawn I'm sitting on, the grey tiles that are in front of me would be the roof on which my kids perch on a Summer night, the paved street below would be where they ride their bikes and this amazing view of my city would be what they grew up seeing.
I can only hope... that they don't finish building this house any time soon...
The dry green grass is prickling my calves.
I'm intrigued at what sunset would look like from this perch.
Since I discovered this place in 2000, I've introduced the view to someone new each year.
There is only one other person I can think of wanting to bring here... but something tells me he just wouldn't appreciate the view. No wait... he would - but he wouldn't see what I'm seeing...
Thousands of lives, homes, memories, feelings and souls are frantically rushing by beneath me. But I am here, on top of this hill, under this beautiful tree (whose leaves look like spades on a deck of cards) and I'm thinking...
this is what peace is...
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