Wednesday, February 02, 2005

driving through puddles

So there was a massive hail storm today...

Ian: (driving) Hey Joy, watch this, this is fun!
Joy: (sees massive puddle on the left-hand side of the road)
Ian: (drives through puddle, creating a micro-tsunami on the pavement)
Joy: But if my window was open, if wouldn't have been fun.
Ian: Yeah, but it would've been funnier!

Guess it all depends on positioning and perspective?
hail storm in choatic brain
I know that I just improvise
But you think I choose
To guard myself from all the lies
And heartache's deja vus
I'm trying not to lose my way
But you don't seem to see
The crossroads that I'm on today
I've reached - frustratedly
I may walk tall with confidence,
But if you use your eyes
You'll see that I don't much much sense
My posture's my disguise
Please don't put your faith in me,
My doubts you do not hear
Coz if you observe carefully,
I'm tiptoeing in fear...

My only hope is in His plan
- I have nothing to give
So if you put things in my hands
Your dreams will be short-lived
I got home this evening and my Mum was wondering if I'd gotten caught up in the storm, but I was completely oblivious because I was indoors blowing those toxic plastic balloons that you get from the Philippines and watching "Desperate House WiVes" and reruns of "F.R.I.E.N.D.S" with two good mates.

I realised I've been blogging a fair bit in the past week - not because I have anything worthwhile to say, but really because I want to vent, and this is one of my many outlets.

1 comment:

Luke Marc said...

hmm well i went out in the rain today to unclog the drain. My friend who was visitin' went out in the rain to close the window of his car (poor bugger had a leak in it anyway and water came in haha)...

the two of us got wet, he broke his cnelas and cut his toe in the process, but i reckon we had more fun than my second friend who stayed inside haha.

Well yeah what's Nereus' blog? I tried looking for it yesterday but couldn't find it...grr