Wednesday, December 28, 2005

guard the beat like the rhythm is your life

I don't really like giving advice. But people ask me for advice, and then I wonder why they heck they ask me because I don't even listen to myself when I'm supposed to... But here it is anyway: the advice I should have given me before I started walking down a path I knew led to a dead end... for the sake of those who are trying to avoid pot-holes and other such mishaps.

Be careful.
Be honest.
Be true to yourself and what you know you deserve.
Don't cut corners.
Don't compromise your dignity.
Don't say yes when your heart is hesitating.
Nothing is worth less than your best.
Tell the truth about who you are... even if you don't like it. God loves it.
For the true ability to give and get, you must learn to forgive and forget.
Sometimes the biggest risk is to take no risk at all
There is only one thing that has lasted for all of eternity. Don't be stupid enough to love anything else with your entire heart.
Faithfulness is accomplishing a journey with little steps. Those who try to take giant leaps get tired and fall.
Understand and accept your weaknesses. Everyone has them.

Guard your heart - it beats the rhythm to your life.

See people too often forget that actions speak louder than words. So you can say that you care... but if you don't act like you care, then to hell with those words. Don't cheapen the English language by not acting on their meaning. It annoys the hell out of me. *sigh* I guess the thing is some people just don't think about how their actions could be interpreted.

I feel like a squashed spider tangled up in my own web.

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