Saturday, April 08, 2006

feels like home...

I just:
- Finished 1/4 a tub of Nutella.
- Got out of the shower after rinsing purple paint off my arms (thanks Gemma...)
- Fell off a ladder about 3 hours ago. =)
- Printed out the final pages of the book I'm making.

- Typing away at my home PC.
- Wearing my sky blue PJ pants and a towel on my head.
- Listening to Third Day - "Turn Your Eyes"

Currently in love with:
- All the volunteers who helped paint the SPY house today (esp. all those parents who were sooo thoughtful enough to bring fried rice, fried chicken and ICE CREAM!!! YEAH!)
- Autumn sunshine (especially the moments when it romantically streamed through the CYS sisterhood room and the chapel every morning for the past week).
- My neighbourhood. Nothing beats living out west - no, not even the beaches and the Eastern suburbs.
- John Butler Trio.

Jittery and excited because:
- I pack my bags and go road-tripping around NZ in less than ten days! YEAH!!
- I'm going bungee jumping.
- This year is flying.
- The best is yet to come...

There are days when I feel like a nomad with no place to fit in, or feel at home. There are days when I'm neither here nor there and I wonder where it is I'm supposed to belong, who my real friends are, and what is I'm supposed to be doing and why God seems so far away.
But today I found home amongst twenty or so volunteers and a couple of buckets of blue paint. God bless the people in my Parish...

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