GINGKO: (herb) helps to enahnce mental alertness and improve memory, concentration and cognitive function.
Given that I only have 7 hours and 27 minutes until my exam starts... I'm wondering if its possible to OD on gingko... *just kidding!* ;o)
You see, i've calmly accepted the fact that whatever i didn't know this morning, i won't know tomorrow morning, unless God provides me some type of miraculous revelation. Thus, im staying up merely as a comfort... not because i know it'll help me pass my exam.
Surprisingly, despite the cynicism I've maintained over the past 13 weeks of study, I have derived ONE opinion from this semester:
At one point, I thought assessments were ok. And then I realised that it really just prolongs the excrutiating frustration that comes with exams; and the standard of literary achievement is higher than what one would compose under exam conditions.
And then at another point, I thought exams might be better - but really it is just pressure to communicate what one would normally write in an assessment, but with only about 1 zillionth of the time allocated.
In conclusion, both are equally as bad, and I detest them with equal passion.
References: Enriquez, J. (2004) It is easy to be brave, just from a safe distance. Inthemiddleofthenight Publishers Ltd., Desert Island, Random Ocean.