Monday, October 22, 2007

It's lunch time already (12:30pm). There is a 20month old baby (cutest thing I've ever seen) asleep on my bed, and it took me about 2 hours of my morning to get her into that peaceful state of slumber.

I keep procrastinating because I really DON'T want to produce this video. *sigh*
Now I'm hungry.
No Joy... don't eat lunch yet. Start the videos already!

I have a sudden craving for sago.

Before I log-off and beging the inevitable task of pulling together a few chapters of a promotional DVD, I thought I'd share a perfect moment of my weekend. (Apologies if this offends anyone who expecting myself or the boyfriend to help out at the GK One Day stalls yesterday... whoops!)

Spent yesterday afternoon after Mass sitting in Edwin's living room. His parents bought us kebabs for lunch and at about 2:30pm I was lying on his green couch reading the final chapters of the Marian Keyes book, Edwin had just finished the graphic novel prequel to the Transforms movie and was sitting a seat away with his feet up reading an I.T. mag, his mum was in the kitchen while his dad was in the rumpus room and both were reading different sections of the weekend newspaper. When I glanced up from the book my heart stopped for about ten seconds as I realised what a disgustingly perfect scene this was... Sunday afternoon in the coolness of a family living room, reading in peace, resting after a spectularly exhausting week, with unbreakable quiet. No screaming, no random requests to get something done, no pressure to be anywhere else or exert any energy.


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