Sunday, October 07, 2007

this weekend

Yesterday's impulse buy from Surf Dive 'n Ski (Harbourside shopping) was a black Billabong bikini. I've succumbed to the beach-babe wannabe in me... that desire to look stunning on the beach, despite the risk of exposing uh... the not-so-flattering (or public!) parts of my body.

The weekend flew by... and now I'm wasting time uploading old-school HSB photos on Facebook... with the desire to embarrass (and pull the heart-strings of) the surrogate family that once was mine all those years ago. How was it we used to see each other every week (religiously!), unpack the issues that came along in life during those university years, and still find the energy and heart and passion to serve hundreds of students every year? I wonder what ever did happen to those kids we used to speak with, befriend, laugh with and feel humiliated by each year..

I did, however, manage to clean out my room. You have no idea how big this achievement is - my room hasn't encountered the vacuum cleaner for quite some time. I had the choice to stay under the doona... or do the truly right thing and get rid of all that dust hiding beneath the doona and the bed. *sigh* I also decided to re-organise my wardrobe (bringing out all that Summer gear baby!), and part with my useless girly magazine collection (a waste of space, time, AND money... damn you makers of Cosmo and Cleo!). Wasting my hard-earned moola on mags that make me feel both insecure and in need of a make-over is the one vice that I've yet to truly surrender. I can't believe how often I'll fall into buying those things just for the sake of having something glossy and colourful to read on the train ride home. (very rarely I stumble across a decent story in there... more often than not I buy it so I can check out Jalba and wish I could look like her in a similar but much cheaper looking outfit).

I also realised today how many books I have accumulated over the past two years. It's dangerous working so close to Elizabeth's Bookstore (a second-hand book store on Pitt St.) It was bad enough going to uni ten minutes from Koorong (back when I was a Mac student)... then I lived five minutes away from Borders last year... and now I'm up the road from a perfect little book store with CHEAP books... (today's bed-side friend is a Marian Keyes chic-lit novel - "The Other Side of the Story").

Watched Miss Saigon production at Lyric theatre. Rewwrrr to Jen Trijo! Good job man - what a legend. She did really well! It was a sweet present; we had awesome seats, Eddoes bought me ice cream during the intermission, and we strolled the harbour afterwards, had dinner with his parents, and then had a lazy evening (the best evenings are the lazy ones).

This morning:
Jonna rang!! YEEEAHAAAA!! She's back! Man I've missed her.

My man rode his bike around the neighbourhood and said hello. I... laughed at his helmet hair. :)

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