Once again, late night blogging.
Today I cleaned my room. Wow... I didn't even know mountains of dust like that could exist in small suburban bedrooms (The things you discover during the holidays - WOW.) But my floor is vacuumed, my books are alphabetised, my notes are in folders, my scarves are hanging prettily and I can finally see the surface of my desk. YAY!
Tonight Ryan came over and we watched snippets of the REV dvd on my laptop. Koodos to Karen's Dad - what a legend. Can't wait to see the whole thing on Sunday. Hmmm... and we talked about the camp, about crushes, about challanges, and about life in general. *sigh* I love the simplicity of quality time.
Meanwhile, how is it that I suddenly got ten million times busier once uni finished this sem? Or maybe I spent more time blogging when uni was on because I just wanted to procrastinate... hmmm... I'll avoid that theory.
July has already brought with it a whole heap of memorable stuff... (and here's a summary... in order of appearance)
1. Last day as receptionist at PCA. First day of July was the end of torrential rains - YAY! Perfect day for flying on Virgin blue to Brisbane (how exciting!) McDonald's at Domestic airport with Z, Edz and Cathy was maad fun. Z is one thought-provoking bloke, and for that I admire him. Sat next to two funnee guys on the plane who were on their way to Suncorp stadium for the rugby. They started trying to tell me about footy and I fell asleep during take-off. Woke up just before we landed and they'd already gone through 2 cans of JB & Cola... laughter. =)
2. Conference. Where do I even begin? The weekend was life-changing to the point that it deserves it's own blog site! But praise God for the beautiful weather, the powerful sessions, and the quality time I got to spend one-on-one-ing with my besties......It was during that weekend I realised that true love is a complicated thing... nevertheless, it's worth fighting for and treasuring. =)

3. In the cabin with Bunny, Jane and Jons. Taking photos...girlie-talk and jokies about stoopid boys... ;o)

4. Pray-overs on Saturday night. *sigh* All the hugs and words exchanged... only God can tell what's going to happen next. =)
5. Sunday's bright sun and the delayed flight back home. 5 hours at domestic airport doing cross-words, eating potato wedges with sour cream and taking pointless photos of the tarmac. Fell asleep on the drive home.
6. Sleeping in on Monday. =)
7. Luna Park on Tuesday for Lisa's birthday with a whole bunch of SPYers...

Now that was funny. Especially the photos on the train, the Happy Birthday vidz to Nez, listening to Cass and Maureen scream on the ferris-wheel, and writing gibberish with Cassie and Charmaine. Ask Charmaine for the priceless photo of those 2 on the Wild Mouse... something to show their grand-chidren for sure! ... oh - and hip...hiphop... hiphoppapotAHmoose. =)
8. Wednesday: A whole day of hanging with one of my best mates after him being away for a week. *awww* Happy Birthday pooface! I helped Dad, Ryan, and Nez changed the tyre of our Land Cruiser.

I figure such an achievement demands a feeling of pride. Hehehe... Mass at Parra was funny because the priest was late. And how funny was the chic who straightened my hair? Fell asleep that arvo on the way to work... but all in all, bludging sure is fun.
9. Late night drive in Jay's Euro. *roawwrrr* I love that I know a boy who will always open doors for me and be a gentleman. If he'd stop swearing, it would've been more fun. Through him I am learning the important lesson of being ready to cop burning wounds when one decides to fight for love. It's cool that even though we aren't blood-related, he treats me like his sister. He knows how to keep it real and knock sense into me... especially about who and what I deserve. ;o)
10. Thursday was a maaad day with my mission partner. Drove to the airport to pick up the NZ luvers (haha... sorry - couldn't help it) and had brekky/lunch at Colloes' with Rae and Ody. Then a couple of hours hanging with Ivy & friends (awwww) and then off to work. (fun fun fun!)
11. Dinner at Tony Roma's. What a crowd. How mad was that room with the fire place?

Talk about blessings - the walk to Passionflower was classic. Ask NEz for one HOT photo with me and 2 Asian tourists from Auckland. And then an even better one with him and 2 tough Italian guys and the lights of Sydney harbour as their backdrop.
12. Friday - fluey symptoms from night-before ice-cream. But it was worth it. Another arvo at work trying to finish off talk for Saturday's camp training. Finally... a night at home... and late night calming conversation with someone's oh-so soothing voice. Hahaha... (blargh!)
13. Early morning wake-up call and last-minute trip into the office to print out my talk. Interesting mornz with Ava driving Brian, Edz and I in Jug's new roadster... (thanks for the fake crossiant Eddoes!) =p Had awesome camp training with God's chosen army. Got pumped and excited for the camp - keep it in your prayers plz! Met Ben, Ivan, Jano, Lorenz, and Steph... =)
14. Night out in the city with SPYers, Fr Warren and the mini-bus. Good timez! Maj-I was an interesting* experience... hehehe... and Axle Whitehead wore the same clothes the next day when he was live on Video Hits. Hahaha... I think the best part was just being with the SPYers. They know how to make me smile, without even having to try. =) And then of course the tingles I got just before we left... *sigh* Can't wipe the smile off...
15. Sunday morning on the phone *whoopeee!* then made way through the gale-force winds to Luke's for pandesal breakfast just before Mass singing. Good times! Saw the cutest baby in front of us during mass... all chubby with blue eyes and gorgeous smile. Me and Colloes... Hahaha... cluckiness of the strange sort. Totally fell in love with the idea of motherhood.
16. Trip to Towers with Rina, Edz, Nez and Suarez... that was classic. Yum Cha lunch for Ody's 20th bday was awesome - serzly! Mango dessert, fried chicken, stir-fry noodles... and try eating jelly with chop-sticks.
17. F4 with Rae, Jasmine and the boys. 2 hours of Jessica Alba "and the boys"... hahaha... enough said.
18. Star City with the 04-05 SPYRC and Fr Warren. *sigh* exploiting the endless source of prawns, all-you-can-eat pasta, pizza, salad, seafood... aww and MATE! DESSERT! (Ask Tony how many ice-cream buckets he went through)... The security guard who took our photo was cool... The funniest was the lolly shop. Hahaha... I found popping candy!!! I LOVE POPPING CANDY! ... that and out of the 8 of us, Fr Warren was the last to leave the store.

19. Getting up this morning and not knowing where to start with this blasted room. But I'm quite proud of my achievement in cleaning it. It looks the same, but it feels cleaner. Except for maybe Ro1's side... she just has an inability to stay neat for longer than 5 minutes.
20. Knowing that I can go to bed with PEACE. =)