Saturday, October 15, 2005

french toast and the happenings of Saturday mornz


I'm procrastinating... AGAIN. I'm so good at that, really. I deserve an award.

Right now I'm listening to my work-out music. By "work-out," I mean the playlist I throw into the jukebox when I feel doing exercise... the funky dance, hip-hop and fast pop rock tracks that, when combined with sit-ups, push-ups and a few toning stretches, makes out for a very satisfying morning.

But... I didn't do any of that this mornz. Instead I had brekky with my paroes, read a bit of the paper, scoffed down some French toast (yay to my mummy!), a cup of coffee... and refrained from beating up my roomy, who is really seriously testing my patience... *hmmph!*

This morning I have my project stuff strewn all over my bed, but, thanks to my obsessive-compulsive-disorder/habit of tidying EVERYTHING before I get my work started, my room still looks relatively NEAT. Although... (glances around to inspect) ... I just noticed I have a lot of laundry waiting to be done - all the handwash stuff that you can't just chuck in the washing machine for fear of it being wrecked (there are about seven or eight bras hanging on the back of my bedroom door...) -hrrmm... should do something about that.

Hey so I'm gonna get my rags soon. Seriously, I'm in such a strange mood. Anticipating something, moody, snappy, really sedated but aggressive. I couldn't sleep on Thursday night and ended up tossing and turning violently, throwing pillows here and there and getting NO rest whatsoever.

*sigh* what is going here? Stuff that's confusing the hell out of me. But it's good confusion I guess... I did ask God to teach me patience this year... and that's exactly what he's doing by giving me opportunities to choose to be patient, instead of rushing into things I'm not ready for (like the consequences after beating up my sister)...

What am I doing right now? Looking at WYD photos... haha... this rainy weather reminds me of Paris. PARIS. Oh wow do I miss Paris right now...

I'll leave you with this one - it's one of my favourites... hehehe... gotta love EJ man.

taken in Prague... August 2005.

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