Monday, June 06, 2005

slow and steady

It's late but I feel relaxed. There is still a lot to do, but God is affirming, because there's been a lot of progress. I'm proud of the work that's he just let me do.

Right about now...

Sitting at my bedroom desk with the lamp radiating a white glow of flurescent light Behind my laptop is an empty purple mug that once had chicken and corn soup... and next to me is a packet of Premium crackers and a mug of cold Milo. It used to be hot... about two hours ago.

It took me all day to get my head around the technical wack of FLASH, but praise God because e just seems to know exactly what he's doing. Unlike me... who's totally lost in every possible way!

Praise God for the guys who were on MSN tonight. If there was ever a time I needed comfort, tonight was it... and *sigh* God sure provides!

I've chucked all my music onto my playlist and I wonder how long it'll take to get through it all, because there are over 1000 songs on there now. Right now it's "Here Is My Heart" by Out of Eden and The Katinas. This song's a personal favourite, because it reminds me of God's warm arms, and being able to surrender everything to Him... especially moments like tonight.

A couple of hours ago...

I had an awesome morning... I love first Fridays and first Sundays of the month coz both involve Mass and good company. This morning's Maccas breakfast involved Ray, Dax, Mush, Frannis, Suarez, Luke, Michael, Eddoes and Ivy.

I laughed at:

Suarez's passport photo which I keep in my wallet to remind me of Summer / Ivy and "Fix My Eyes" / myself because I couldn't withdraw money... AGAIN... (how embarrassing) / Luke and memories of coffee at Gloria Jeans.

Hours passed...
And suddenly I was asleep. HOw did that happen? Hence being awake right now. I wonder if I'll get up and go for the walk I promised myself... ?

And now I'm feeling...
- Really hungry and craving for Filo hot chocolate.
- Lazy and chunky. My jeans are starting to *ahem*... not fit?
- Relieved and affirmed - everything happens for a reason. Example: On Wednesday I was tired by stayed up to DNM with Sav after household and as a result, I discovered the book in Edwin's comp room that is currently saving my sanity - an instruction book on how to use FLASH. WOOHOO!
- Lucky - Nez sent me pics of hh at Canberra during Feb's Summit... AWWW... the sunset and the laugh, and man... do I miss Lapez like you would not believe! Riann, Jons, Gerry, Jane, Bunny, Kay & Tita Mel... without a doubt you women are amazing.
- I love my mum. She made me ba-on.
- Totally in love with God, because He just knows how to take care of me.
- Happy. I'm learning the lessons that come with patience. Even Jed told me to "wait" today... "true love waits..." *sigh!* True that brotha!
- Sleepy...

Here is my heart... it's been broken, it's been wounded... but I'll give it all to You if You would love me... Here is my life... if you want it, You can have it. I will give it all to You because You love me.. and love is everything I need.


Luke Marc said...

hey Joy !

aww poor bugger...I got that stuff goin on with me too hehe

yes breakfast on Sunday was good...I was so sleepy...i'm such a sleepy person lately, I fell asleep on the train and woke up at the wrong station again.


j(",)Y said...

Hey Luke,
Yeah I know what you mean by sleepy. Eeep.. I fell asleep on the bus today and woke up just before I started drooling. Or at least I hope I hadn't started drooling.
Anyway... what happened to your blog ay? I've been hoping to have a good and thoughtful read, and all of a sudden you're blog was gone.
But in a way that's a bit of a Godsend, because it still being readable would just mean more procrastination for me! *gargh!*

Ten days left...

Prayin for your exams mate.