Sunday, June 12, 2005

textas in a chinese take-out box

If you walk into my room, you'll see something funny. I've got media theory books all over the floor with post-its sticking out of the pages, a white-board with a whole heap of arrows, quotes written on my wardrobe mirror, and textas in a mini Chinese take-out box.

Today has been somewhat productive, but my brain has the habit of refusing to function after about 15 minutes of hard labour. Talk about short attention span.

I had dinner with my parents and roomy today. I love it when my parents laugh... it's one of life's priceless moments - wish I could capture them all in a mental camera and view it as a slide-show during all those moments when I'm annoyed.

Before I depart and dip back into the land of postmodern politics (damn Lyotard, Baudrillard, Jameson and Habermas - you guys give me headaches and so do all your theories!) - here's an insight to tonight's dinner conversation...

*cue the dinner music/tv background noise*

Joy: I never wanna be a lawyer. Just thought I'd clear that up now, just in case you had your hopes up.
Mum: Why not?
Joy: My head hurts thinking about it.
Mum: Well if you don't like it, I guess that's that...
Dad: You should be the first prime minister of Australia.
Joy: But I hate politics.

... conversation continues about what politics really is, what it means and Joy's head starts to hurt...

... conversation moves towards Joy's possible career paths. Joy gets up and puts dishes in sink.

Joy: Ah forget it. I just wanna get married and have kids.

*short silence*

*Mum bursts out laughing*

...That was the milestone of tonight - my mum laughing at that comment. Ha! And then of course... we had those short bursts of wisdom...

Mum: Don't marry a guy you have to feed and clean up after.
Joy: Don't worry Ma, I won't marry anyone lazy. I demand to be fought for.
Dad: Good. So you should be fought for.
Joy: I'll marry a guy who can iron. Coz I can't iron for crap.
Mum: That won't keep your relationship going.
Ro1: Yeah but you can show off your clothes! (good one sis!)
Mum: Don't marry someone who can iron - marry someone who can get you a maid to iron.


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