Thursday, May 12, 2005


Yes I was attacking you.

I wish I knew how to talk to you. I wish I knew how to communicate with you, but you just don't seem to want to communicate with me, and since communication is a two-phase process [ask Jim Macnamaran - I'm a media student damn it!], communication doesn't look easy between the two of us.
You close all your doors, and lock all the windows, and it makes me feel like I'm asking so much to just get a word in with you - so now you've just left me frustrated.
I know you don't mean to be like this. I know this is just how you are. And that makes me feel even worse... because I love you to bits, but you're just so impossible sometimes! And you don't even know it!!!

I don't want to pry, I don't want to know your secrets. But I do wish I could tell you what was on my mind without me feeling like I'm disappointing you, or demanding anything from you.

You're a good person. There's so much I admire in you.
But I look at you and I never know what to do.
And I swear... one day, you will make me explode!

1 comment:

gerry said...

its me again!hahha..i'm coming back for more!hahaha...mate, i think we've had a discussion about 2phase things!i guess with things like this, regardless of who the person is, if u just love em & show em that & they still don't respond, just be content knowing that ur displaying god=love thru you and that its enuf. Its thru loving people that others will know that we are his disciples! =)

don't let the frustrations of the day steal ur peace from you!not worth it!on the positive side! theres about millions of people just waiting to meet you in Germany! and get this! you've got 3 of ur best mates to share that experience with you, all which are guys! both of which u want to hit on the head! one oblivious the other who would hurt & the one who knows you the best and loves you unconditionally! =)