Thursday, September 22, 2005

can you smell me?

Gerry you're a funny one. And I love long conversations with you. Especially when you tell me about the funny, embarrassing things you do when it comes to boys you like. Hahaha... because it reminds me of the funny, embarrassing and STUPID things I do when it comes to boys I like... *laughs at self and looks around computer lab nervously*

Seems like yesterday was my catch-up time with everyone girlified. First it was Jonna, then Amardeep, then Agatha and finally Gerry. Does Nereus count? Coz I spoke to him last night too. Hahaha... JUST KIDDING BRO!! PEACE!!! *Hides before he throws something at me violently*

Today has been.... REFRESHING. There is a sign that's still on my bedroom wall which I typed up and put up there with blue-tac when I was in year 9. It says something like: "It is important to take time out to sit down by yourself and simply be..." Took my own advice and sat in the sun for 2 hours listening to the fountain gushing water into Macquarie Lake, staring into the cloudless sky, and writing pages of feelings, prayers, thoughts and wishes...

Right now I should be reading my research about culture, technology and the impact of mobile telecommunications on youth culture and language. But I'm way to happy too be bogged down with uni stuff. Actually... I'm feeling somewhat elated. Who says they never have time to pray? Time spent with God is time well invested... remember that one - tell your children one day.

How do I know this? Because as soon as I finished praying, I walked down to the comp labs and checked my mail, and everything I received (whether it was good news or bad) reminded me somehow... of something or someone faithful.

Right now... I'm inspired by:
- All the awesome news I'm hearing about how fantastic the ER camp was. I'm loving how every time someone blogs about it, I start feeling enhanced too.
- People falling in love with people. Hahaha... and not being afraid of it either. *sigh* How I luurv seeing people in love.
- My sister. Won't say which one, but the one I'm thinking of right now makes me laugh and smile and blush all at once, and it comforts me to know we have much in common that we never talk about... but I guess that's what makes it beautiful - we never really have to.
- That so-called Greek god. Yeah, you know who you are! I'm still mad at you... and things are different these days... but I know how much you're trying, and I know that it'll all be ok because best mates forgive each other and move on... ;op
- The Terra service team. Especially Pjay, Jane, Mary, Dom, Imelda and Colloes... oh what the heck - ALL OF YOU! Peni, Nez, Ryan... all our visitors. Hahaha.. I think about al of Pjay's blonde comments and can't help but smile. And the way Jane lifts her leg up and says, "Right Ty?" Actually... even funnier is the way Pjay says "Ty..." and then does the hand thing. And Peni and how he won't shut up... and how his face is all it takes to make Mary scream. Hahaha... and Jug at the bedroom window? Sorry? What? Hrmmm... didarri... (is that what it was?) And Peni's group's thank you card. Oooh and how everyone gave Dom death stares after the love talk. Colloes mate - that was an awesome love talk. Well done during the panel - to all 3 of you. Glad God worked through you! That mad beat-boxer and the chic who sang Kelly Clarkson's song... the boy who crowd-surfed to "God is Enough"...the teachers who said "thank you" after Sky told her story... uh... crying in front of 220 students? Ryan's version of the "Tiger" game and how he said he walked into Westpoint and that there was a zoo there... EH?! Mary calling Chris "Sav" during her sharing. Hahaha... Imelda... aww Imelda! You're sharing was the bomb! Eating Chicken King on the drive way and laughing at the Rev DVD. Really stupid jokes that just weren't funny, but ended up being funny because they weren't funny. And Ryan mocking the way Jane laughed... and combining the mocking with the actions of the not-funny joke.
- Monday night's phone call and lying on the concrete under the stars. That was funny... when I freaked out Rob Feeney and made him scream coz he thought I was a student (or a derro) walking around in the middle of the night... ;o)
- SPY still inspires me. You know it's been 2 years since I started working there? I love it. Can't get enough... and can't wait til the SPYRC leaders training. Even more so, I can't wait to see SPY bring 200 youth to the next Youth Expo.

Yeah... there's more and more that I can put on this list. I'm really quite happy right now...

"He said to him, 'Follow me.' And he got up and followed him."

So simple, huh?

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