Tuesday, September 13, 2005

me in my corner

I keep procrastinating. It's ridiculous. And this morning, I was trying to get the stories of my four characters done up... and I had a sudden flash-back to Year 12 - where I spent the first 7 months of year 12 with writer's block and didn't hand in my first complete draft of my major short-fiction to my English teacher until one month before the due date.

*sigh* So now I'm in the media labs at uni... sitting at mmlab comp#10, and in front of me is are my old pair of black sunnies, my keys, credit card and excuse for a wallet, my phone, this screen, and the final, bound copy of "Where the Waters Meet" - Extension English II Major Work.

The "Revelations" project proposal, which I handed in last semester (I wonder where I got that unoriginal name from?!) is supposed to be based on this narrative. But we've tweeked it, and instead of Mario, Rei, Kayla and Carson, we have the modified version: Rei (who is indefinitely a character that almost everyone seems to relate to or has met in his/her life), Harley, Daniel and Antonio.

Here's a short squiz of what I'm supposed to be working on right now:

Imagine you are looking at what looks like a very empty train platform. On the left hand side, carrying some books, is Rei. She is a year 12 student in a school uniform... her hair is tied back, she has a school bag slung over her shoulder and carries text books, a newspaper and a disposal cup of coffee.
A few metres away, sitting on the ground and leaning against a wooden seat, is Harley. He's wearing a beanie, a big jacket, and a pair of Doc Martins. He looks distance, angry and tired... there is a lit cigarrette in his hand.
Standing in the train, is Daniel. In a tshirt and jeans, he has a guitar case on his shoulders and stares blankly on the ground with a smile on his face.
And walking onto the platform from the right is Antonio - suave, charming, confident - carrying a bunch of flowers.

What's their story? The user will find out... assuming that get off this lazy ass of mine and actually write it.

Oh God... I'm feeling so distracted. If I'm not thinking about this, it's the Youth Expo, or the Terra Retreat, or the SPY kids, or the HSB kids, or the SAC kids, or my parents being sick and me needing to do the things they normally do because they're in bed, or the Europe trip when I didn't have to do things I normally do, or the guy who's been calling me since the Europe trip, or the random phone calls that I get from people interstate, or the phone calls that I get from work to come in or do tasks I haven't been assigned to do... even though I should be thinking about THIS.

*refrains from swearing*

I've got a headache man.

BUT... I did go for a walk to Mass this morning. And so far... that's what's brightened up my day (together with the sunlight, the Philidelphia on toast, the strawberry-banana-kiwi-mango-apple-guava juice I made for myself in the blender, and the early morning visit to someone in their pjs)

If you read this, pray for me ok? It's tough to walk and balance life when there's about ten gazillion layers of stuff on it. Most of which I can't bump off... not without feeling guilty or letting people down. And that's the worst bit, I guess... I hate it when I let people down. That kinda pisses me off, because I feel like people have been letting me down all bloody week... but hey - it's all part of the splinters and nails that come with the cross, right? *heavy... heavy SIGH*

Ok... *pretends to jump up and stretch* let's start with some real stories.... like Antonio. According to Dan, he's the most interesting character because he gets to fall in love. Or at least he's met someone who's fall-in-love-with-material. Hahaha... (funny that - when I asked Dan where Antonio should meet the girl, he said in a club in Prague... then he ducked before I could throw my art book at him).

Not that anyone can really argue about love being interesting - it seems like everyone's posting comments on my blog because of all this lovey-dovey spew-material I keep posting; and I'm feeling mighty special coz I got so many comments in my inbox! Thanks READERS! You guys are the best!! =)

Yesterday was just nooot my day. I kept dropping everything... like my books, then my phone, then I spilled Diet Coke all over my feet (and went home smelling like Diet Coke and wet feet), then I dropped some of the dishes (lucky none of them broke)... and Roanne reckons that's the second symptom she's seen of this Spring-time insanity. I would've thrown something like a spoon at her... but everything in our kitchen is already falling apart, and I thought better not to, since it'd suck if she was out of action too. *grrrr*

Oh God... I need you right now.


anca. said...

ohh joy.

this might contribute to your already-high levels of procrastination but at least it might cheer you up ;)

you know how im a sucker for signs? no? well now you know. but i know that you are! haha anyways i was walkin down this road with my nose up in the air, staring at the marvellous blue sky God gave us today. And to my bewilderment, out came a white butterfly which continued to hover over my head. I felt soo special; dreaming that the butterfly was my guardian angel giving me luck, JOY & happiness. The next thing you know, I step in doggy doo! ohh man. what does that mean? do i have extra good luck? cause uno how birds poop on humans? what if humans step in poop? is that good luck too? well i like to think that i do. yes, that's the story i'll stick to.

but hey! "the strawberry-banana-kiwi-mango-apple-guava juice I made for myself in the blender"
you're sooo boost material! if you ever quit you job, you know who to call! =) pretty soon..you'll be LOVING LIFE even more.

ps. don't listen to what ryan says about it hahaha.

pps. lester says HI!

praying for you..
rae =)

j(",)Y said...

You are one funny chicka Rae! Hahaha... doggy doo... awww... man... that's just ... mean! Nah kidding... how did you know how I was a sucker for signs? Yeah I am... well... I'm a sucker for hints and thoughtfulness - and things like white butterflies are like hints of God's love and him being thoughtful. Dunno about the dog poop though. *wink*

Yeah... I thought about being a BOOST girl.. until Ryan told me about the cutting oranges thing. Hahahaha... =)

Thanks for the prayers love. And I luuurv procrastinating - so comment some more!